The Transcendent - out now!
After a fateful confrontation with her former ally, Tony Barlow, Amira Valdez is on the run, pregnant with her own clone and desperate. The fundamentalist Trinity Compound has grown in strength and numbers, and with the help of the powerful mind-controlling drug Tiresia, is ready to march on the city of Westport. All of Amira’s hopes lie with finding Nova, the first human clone, and solving the greatest riddle in human history – how to preserve human consciousness after death. Only Amira and Nova, together, can stand in the face of a world on the brink of disaster. Buy: Amazon Flame Tree Press Barnes and Noble The Emergent - out now
Amira Valdez’s adventures continue in the sequel to The Sentient, as she finds herself in unprecedented danger. The ruthless new leader of the fundamentalist Trinity Compound seeks to understand his strange neurological connection with Amira and unleash an army on an unstable North America. The first human clone has been born, but thanks to the mysterious scientist Tony Barlow, it may unlock the secret to human immortality – or disaster. Together, Amira and Barlow form an uneasy alliance in pursuit of scientific breakthroughs and protection from shared enemies. But new discoveries uncover dark secrets that Barlow wants to keep hidden. Buy: Amazon Flame Tree Press Barnes and Noble |

The Sentient - out now!
Amira Valdez is a brilliant neuroscientist trying to put her past on a religious compound behind her. But
when she’s assigned to a controversial cloning project, her dreams of working in space are placed in
jeopardy. Using her talents as a reader of memories, Amira uncovers a conspiracy to stop the creation of
the first human clone – at all costs.
As she unravels the mystery, Amira navigates a dangerous world populated by anti-cloning militants,
scientists with hidden agendas, and a mysterious New Age movement. In the process, Amira uncovers an
even darker secret, one that forces her to confront her own past.
Buy here (Publisher site) or here (Amazon).
Short Fiction
The Bahrain Underground Bazaar - Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
The Lonely Time Traveler of Kentish Town - Clarekesworld Magazine
A Thousand Tiny Gods - Clarkesworld Magazine
Exhibit K - Abyss and Apex Magazine
The Hidden Ones - The Write Launch